Winning with the Slow (but Venomous!) Italian: An Easy-to-Grasp Chess Opening for White

Winning with the Slow (but Venomous!) Italian: An Easy-to-Grasp Chess Opening for White

An easy-to-learn chess opening that may look innocent, but is actually full of venom One of the best and most popular ways to meet Whites first move 1.e4 remains the tried and tested 1…e5. After this move many games steer for the Ruy Lopez.  The Ruy is a perfectly fine choice for White, but one that requires you to study the countless different setups and follow the continuously evolving theory in that opening. Karsten Müller and Georgios Souleidis present an alternative that is ideal for the average

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Gyula Breyer: The Chess Revolutionary

Gyula Breyer: The Chess Revolutionary

Gyula Breyer (1893-1921) was a highly successful and imaginative chess player. He won the championship of his native country Hungary as a teenager and achieved remarkable results against the leading players of his day. But first and foremost, Breyer was a revolutionary in his chess thinking. He promoted the idea of dynamic chess and formulated many of the Hypermodern concepts, long before others started their investigations. Yet, after his death, he was omitted from most of the chess history books and

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The Ruy Lopez Revisited: Offbeat Weapons  Unexplored Resources

The Ruy Lopez Revisited: Offbeat Weapons Unexplored Resources

The Ruy Lopez Revisited contains, among MANY other things, in-depth but highly accessible analysis of the Jaenisch Gambit: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5.   Vassily Ivanchuk played this gambit successfully against world champion Viswanathan Anand in the third round of the 4th Grand Slam Masters Final, held in Sao Paulo, in September 2011.  Ivan Sokolov: "The Jaenisch should appeal to any black player who is looking for trouble at an early stage of the game. There are many dynamic ideas and still many

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Timmans Titans: My World Chess Champions

Timmans Titans: My World Chess Champions

The Stories and the Games: Alekhine ­ Euwe ­ Botvinnik ­ Smyslov ­ Tal - Petrosian ­ Spassky ­ Fischer - Karpov ­ Kasparov For many years Jan Timman was one of the best chess players in the world. He combined his brilliant successes on the board with a passion for writing and meticulously analysing his own games and those of his rivals. Three times he was a World Championship Candidate and in 1993 he played in the final of the FIDE World Championship.  In this fascinating book, Jan Timman portrays ten W

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Mikhail Chigorin, the Creative Genius: New, Greatly Enlarged Edition

Mikhail Chigorin, the Creative Genius: New, Greatly Enlarged Edition

Mikhail Chigorin (1850-1908), the father of modern Russian chess, belongs to that select group of exceptionally strong players who never succeeded in winning the World Championship. The defining moment for Chigorin came when he blundered away a winning position in the final game of his second title match against Steinitz. This book provides a vivid account of the life and times of Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin: his rise to chess fame after a difficult childhood, his unfaltering commitment to the promotion o

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Techniques of Positional Play: 45 Practical Methods to Gain the Upper Hand in Chess

Techniques of Positional Play: 45 Practical Methods to Gain the Upper Hand in Chess

Opening preparation is essential, but for aspiring players understanding the middlegame is even more important. Techniques of Positional Play, an improved edition of a Russian classic, teaches amateur chess players 45 extremely effective skills in a crystal-clear manner. Quite a few of these techniques will be revelations for club players, as they offer solutions for problems amateurs are often only subconsciously aware of. For example: How do you restrict the efficacy of your opponents pieces? Wha

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The Diamond Dutch: Strategic Ideas  Powerful Weapons

The Diamond Dutch: Strategic Ideas Powerful Weapons

"The Dutch Defence is a diamond in the treasure box of modern chess openings.  -- Viktor Moskalenko The widely-played Dutch Defence is a sharp choice. Black does not try to preserve a positional balance, but chooses to fight it out.  No author is more qualified to explore new ideas in the Dutch than Viktor Moskalenko, a renowned champion of dynamic play. The Diamond Dutch is not a repertoire book. Moskalenko himself plays this chess opening with both colours and covers the entire spectrum for Whit

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The Fianchetto Solution: A Complete, Solid and Flexible Chess Opening Repertoire

The Fianchetto Solution: A Complete, Solid and Flexible Chess Opening Repertoire

A Complete, Solid and Flexible Chess Opening Repertoire for Black White ­ with the Kings Fianchetto When experienced chess teacher Emmanuel Neiman learned that some of his pupils hesitated to play in competitions for fear of being crushed in the opening, he wanted to help.  Neiman knew that amateurs have little time to seriously study opening theory, so he had to come up with a practical, complete, easy-to-learn and solid opening repertoire that would not outdate rapidly. And that is what he did. Ne

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Aron Nimzowitsch 1928-1935

Aron Nimzowitsch 1928-1935

ChessCafe Book of the Year Finalist! English Chess Federation Book of the Year Finalist! Every chess player who is serious about improving his game, should study the lessons of Aron Nimzowitsch (1886-1935). 'My System' (published in 1925) and 'Chess Praxis' (1928) had tremendous impact and made Nimzowitsch one of the most influential chess thinkers of the 20thcentury. His books continue to be printed, sold and read to this day.  During several decades of research, German chess historian Rudolf Reinhard

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Alexander Alekhine ,Fourth World Chess Champion

Alexander Alekhine ,Fourth World Chess Champion

The World Chess Champion Series The fourth title in the popular World Chess Champion Series is about the enigmatic Alexander Alekhine. Tracing the Russian-born champion from his youth in Russia, through his assault on the chess Olympus and beyond, this books paints a fresh portrait of the player who was one of the most spectacular tacticians ever to play the game. The authors do not shy from confronting some of the less savory aspects of Alekhines life. They stick to the facts and present the iss

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After Magnus

After Magnus

Twenty more years? Magnus Carlsen has said that he may stay at the top for another 20 years. And who can argue with the World Champion? He's been dominating top-level chess with an iron fist and has rightly highlighted the lack of consistency from his potential rivals. When Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov and Magnus Carlsen burst onto the chess scene, there was no doubt whatsoever about their future destiny: sooner or later they were going to become World Champion. How different is the situation today

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A Vigorous Chess Opening Repertoire for Black

A Vigorous Chess Opening Repertoire for Black

The Petroff Defence is anything but dull. Although it is a frequent choice of top grandmasters, club players often fear that it leads to passive play. This book will debunk this prejudice and open new vistas. The Petroff that Or Cohen champions is sharp and ambitious. The Israeli FIDE Master has studied and practised his favourite opening, also known as the Russian Game, for many years. Based on his experience he has turned it into a vigorous weapon with which Black doesnt play for a draw but fights for

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1001 Chess Exercises for Beginners

1001 Chess Exercises for Beginners

Chess is 99% tactics. If this celebrated observation is true for the master, how much more so for beginners and casual players! If you want to win more games, nothing works better than training combinations. There are two types of books on tactics, those that introduce the concepts followed by some examples, and workbooks that contain numerous exercises.  Chess masters and trainers Franco Masetti and Roberto Messa have done both: they explain the basic tactical ideas AND provide an enormous amount of ex

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1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations

1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations

Enhance Your Tactical Weapons!   1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combination is the companion volume to Reinfeld's 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate. Of course each book can be taken on its own, but together they make a wonderful collection, and cover the full range of tactical chess. And they are now both available in 21st-century editions, using modern algebraic notation.   Reinfeld has arranged his quiz positions so that they fall into orderly chapters, each with a common theme. Still, the degree

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A Cunning Chess Opening for Black

A Cunning Chess Opening for Black

An original and shrewd opening for Black against 1.e4  Taking your opponent out of his comfort zone is a good idea to start your game with. Grandmaster Sergey Kasparov pushes this concept one step further: lure your opponent onto the slippery paths of the Philidor Swamp! After 1…d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e5, White is confronted with a stark choice: either to continue on the road of a calm Philidor Defence, or to immediately gain almost two tempi by forcing Black into an endgame that looks better for Whit

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